You've probally been looking at other resume templates

Thank you for taking the initiative! We all love to browse Canva and Etsy to find the perfect template that would stand out or get past writer's block. But the issue with those template is that they do not work nor do they give you any substance.

Our resumes WORK for your dream company and role. To prove it - each resume we sell has the offer attatched.

Browse the top 2% of resumes

Seven Secounds

The average time a recruiter spends looking at each resume.

That's correct - seven. seconds. That's hardly enough time to read a sentence, read a line, or take a bite.

yet, that's the precious one-on-one time your resume may get with a recruiter.

So you better make the 7 secounds worth it

Resume's the popped


You May Be Thinking

  • Will my resume be screened out by those impersonal Applicant Tracking System?
  • I am a top contender for this job... how do i stand out from other qualified candidates?
  • Was my resume even reviewed - I didn't hear anything back